Welcome to Knights of Columbus Council #16103 at St. Faustina Catholic Church in Fulshear, TX. The council currently hosts General Meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each Month in the St. Faustina Community and Education Center. See the Events & News page for more details or adjustments to the schedule. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Grand Knight, Jason Knape, or Deputy Grand Knight, Tam Nguyen.
Formed on December 2, 2014. Here is our charter with founding members.
Our Memorial for the Unborn is dedicated to healing generations of pain associated with the loss of aborted and miscarried children. If you would like to help Knights of Columbus Council 16103 and St. Faustina maintain this memorial for generations to come, you may purchase a brick here.
Purchase Brick
In order to get council communications, please signup on Flocknotes as it is our formal means of communication to all brothers. Note: This is for current Knights only. If you are not a Knight yet, please go to the Membership tab to sign up there.
Flocknotes Signup
Buy Knights of Columbus License Plates. The License plates have our Knights of Columbus logo and the phrase "One Nation Under God". The Knights petitioned to add the phrase to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1951 and it was added in 1954. The cost for the plates are $30/year and $22 goes to the priests retirement fund.
Buy Plates